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Bringing Spiritual Awareness to your Martial Arts development. 


The Yoga of Martial Arts


Perhaps you're looking for the "next level" or some added depth to an already mature/established skill set. If so, then I may be able to help. Have you ever wondered if there's more to Martial Arts training than learning a new technique or tactic regarding confrontation? If you're like me, you may have watched countless Kung Fu/action movies growing up and been sold on the idea of learning the meditative/spiritual side of things alongside the fighting methods; allowing your practice to become more of a way of life than just a set of skills (albeit important ones) for protecting yourself. 


      One of the most powerful things to demonstrate to a seasoned MA, is the benefits of slowing down or (dare I say it) being still. Showing how it affects your ability to spar (groundwork/stand up) or any of the other exercises/drills in  your particular discipline can be a real game changer. Often, it just doesn't make sense why one would practice stillness in order to improve your reaction times or reflexes and therefore speed up! And this is just ONE of the more obvious benefits to this kind of approach.


        Through my many years of practice, first as a body builder for 15 years plus, then coming into the martial arts scene through Karate followed by Wing Chun (trying many other disciplines along the way, such as Jui Jitsu, Boxing, Tai Chi, MMA, Yoga, Chi Gong and various dance styles including Ceroc, Salsa, Ballroom, 5 Rhythms), all of these things have helped me to find the balance between the physical and the non physical, the inner development and the outer, the Martial and the Art. Allow me to help cultivate this in your own practice and reap the benefits, which include:


  • Greater peace of mind (or less fear, at least the debilitating kind)

  • More control, through mental clarity of your Martial Art (You may be good enough to hurt someone but are you good enough to NOT hurt someone)

  • Improved reflexes and a greater sense of timing (reading your opponent is essential at the higher levels of training)

  • A real sense of practicing something that's not just for your physical body but your soul too! (Something that just has to be experienced, sometimes over time, and not just sold as a concept to you)

  • A greater sense of where to apply your unique skill set in domestic/non violent scenarios



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